Belle Aerobics

Senior Fitness

Senior Fitness

Senior Fitness services offered in Tallahasse , FL

Less than 15% of Americans age 65 and older complete the recommended amounts of muscle-strengthening and aerobic exercise outlined by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which is why senior fitness is so important. At Belle Aerobics in Tallahassee, Florida, a team of highly trained weight loss specialists and fitness instructors offer an array of senior fitness classes that promote a healthy lifestyle, optimize physical and mental well-being, and even aid in weight loss. Call Belle Aerobics or register for a fitness class online today.

What are senior fitness classes?

Senior fitness classes at Belle Aerobics are exercise classes specifically designed with seniors’ needs in mind. These classes offer a range of intensity levels based on your health, physical ability, fitness level, and exercise preferences. You can participate in fun workouts with other individuals similar in age (as often as you’d like to).

Which benefits do senior fitness classes offer?

Senior fitness classes at Belle Aerobics may offer the following benefits for older adults:

  • Better cardiovascular fitness
  • More muscle mass
  • Easier weight loss 
  • Improved body composition
  • Better balance
  • More energy
  • Reduced stress, depression, or anxiety
  • Increased strength and flexibility 
  • Mood improvements
  • Lower risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases
  • Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Better blood sugar control
  • Stronger bones
  • More endurance
  • Better ability to complete typical everyday tasks
  • Improved quality of life

Belle Aerobics provides a fun, welcoming, and friendly environment to complete senior fitness classes and additional workouts like Zumba and other dance classes, aerobics, and more. Seniors can also take part in mommy and me dance classes with younger family members. 

What should I expect during senior fitness classes?

During senior fitness classes, you participate in cardiovascular and strength-training exercises, as well as balance, functional fitness, and flexibility training. These fitness classes at Belle Aerobics typically last 30-60 minutes. 

How often should I participate in senior fitness workouts?

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans encourages the following key guidelines for older adults:

  • Complete multicomponent exercises, including balance training, aerobics, and muscle-strengthening exercises
  • Determine an acceptable physical activity effort related to your fitness level and health
  • Aim for at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week
  • Do muscle-strengthening activities involving major muscle groups at least two days each week
  • If you have a chronic condition, check with your doctor about a suitable, safe amount of physical activity based on your unique situation

If you can’t complete 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise weekly because of a chronic condition, exercise as much as the condition allows.

Take advantage of senior fitness classes by calling Belle Aerobics or registering for a class online today.